
“If we could just give them great music, great coffee, people will park and ride.” - Singles

Monday, July 1, 2013

New Rail Life blog arrives in Seattle

Delivering current news and happenings for living near and exploring the Seattle Link Light Rail line…
When the Light Rail opened in July of 2009, we, like many fellow Seattleites, played hooky and descended into the downtown bus tunnel to hop the rail just for the sake of checking out those 15.7 miles of shiny new train track.
Like Steve in Cameron Crowes’ film nod to early ‘90s Seattle Singles, whose sole dream was the building of the Seattle Super Train, we too were of the belief that YES, if you would JUST give us great music and great coffee, for the love, of course we would park & ride! We’re your peeps, Steve! We’ve got your back, Steve!
So, nearly a decade later, when the closest thing to the Super Train finally pulled into town, failing to deliver on that fictitious promise, would the allure still be there sans great coffee and tunes? Apparently so, as 92,000 inaugural passengers hopped the rail during the first two free-fare days and around 26,000 passengers currently ride each week, and growing.
[Not to derail the story here, but if you’re a Cameron Crowe fan, you might find it interesting to know that this is still quite the difference from the 900,000 to a million passengers Steve was banking on. So, HEY, maybe it IS time to consider how to deliver on the coffee and music for real, and throw in some wireless while you’re at it!]
Anyway, back to the train ride… It was exciting to see an expanded view of the City, made accessible by the new rail line, and with it the possibilities and opportunities.
The Light Rail to us represents freedom and community and sustainability all rolled into one. And with wanderlust in our veins, we love to check out new places and meet new people and love nothing more than a great conversation with someone we’ve never met, sitting on the bar stool next to us.
So, based on our experience of living near and using the Link Light Rail line, we wanted to help share what the Rail has to offer - places to eat, drink and explore, as well as local news and activities…
We hope this blog proves useful to you and maybe we’ll see you on the Rail or on a neighborhood stool near you!